Saturday, 26 March 2011

Is Libya so important for us?

America is busy in Libya. America is suffering from recession. GDP is not performing well. Then in spite of thinking about our economy , administration is busy in Libya. Unlike Iran & South Korea , Libya has no effect on America. Then why America giving so much importance to Libya? China & Russia are not taking interest in these things. There main target is growth. But some western countries do not want to think about their future but want to keep busy themselves in pity maters. Keeping oil price low with political pressure is not a solution of crude. It may be more dangerous for us.
American administration should really think about it . America already knows there is no risk from Libya having dangerous weapons. Then what is need to participate in such activities? This is harmful for American image. We will get nothing from it except hate from world. Is Libya so important for us or our economy is more important for us.