Thursday, 17 March 2011

Will Japan’s quake would discourage nuclear energy uses

Japan ‘s nuclear crises enforced word to think about their nuclear reactors.
It is not first event but it is most critical event in history. No one can imagine it.
Actually nuclear energy is very important in modern economy.We cannot think
about better future without nuclear energy specially at present. Crude oil may
be guest of a decade. Crude oil already above $100 and would go much high ,
how it can be substitute of nuclear energy. Nuclear energy provides about
13-16% of world electricity and most countries were planning to increase it.
France already produces more than 80% of electricity from nuclear reactors.
Major economies are already in back gear, and cannot bear this burden.
Japan is highly quake risky location. But many other countries have not
such background. Yes some countries will take some steps to discourage
nuclear energy but in long run we have to accept nuclear energy.Until we find
a good substitute of crude, we cannot leave nuclear energy.